unknown character

英 [ˌʌnˈnəʊn ˈkærəktə(r)] 美 [ˌʌnˈnoʊn ˈkærəktər]

网络  未知字符



  1. The only part remaining is the handling of error reporting ( such as an unknown parameter flag character or a numeric value out of range).
  2. The chaotic time series behave unknown chaotic character and have a big data set, which requires the improvement of the traditional local average nonlinear noise reduction method. A nonlinear local approximation noise reduction method is presented.
  3. Using bioinformatics to identify the unknown character of HIV sequence in a plasmid
  4. In the early stage of subway design, because of many unknown variables and the complicated character of subway station heat load calculation, it is hard to use a simplified mathematical model to get the precise result.
  5. The critical elevation method was adopted to deal with the unknown radar parameters, and combine those parameters into a radar character constant.
  6. The unknown function is approximated by radial point interpolation method in space discretization, and difference schemes are adopted in time discretization. The algebraic system equations with bandwidth character are built, and it is effectively solved by successive overrelaxation ( SOR) method.
  7. The distance between an unknown character and every candidate is calculated.
  8. The method in the first place determines frame length of unknown stream by inter-frame similarity, and then makes use of character frame templates and the corresponding match threshold for stream whose frame length is identical.